5/200 #filmphilosophy This film is from half a century ago so it looks a little bit clumsy from today's perspective. But back in 1946, Cocteau's imagination and the poetic charmare are very triking. Before The French New Wave under the constraints of rigid lines and camera lens structure this film still release a huge imagination.
我是从三国无双2开始一直玩到8的老玩家听到熟悉的游戏音乐的时候感觉热泪盈眶那是那段岁月的回响飘雪影院在线其实我觉得这部电影再拍赤壁再拍个晋的崛起和三国的灭亡就完整了好期待赵云的演员啊看起来似乎不可能啊几天就搬上网络平台了好可惜不该是这样的啊我的手机铃声还是Spring of the east呢敌羞吾去脱他衣永远的神